Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I am exercise

I am free
I am physical
I am intuitive
I am radical
I am rebellious
I am chaotic
I am sensible
I am feminist
I am uncomfortable
I am hungry
I am tranquil
I am determined
I am worried
I am careful
I am careless
I am loud
I am quiet
I am fire
I am water
I am 

Reading Response to Susan Blackmore, What is Consciousness?

“Accepting dualism is giving up, but avoiding it is not easy” There is certainly a constant man struggle with mind and body, there is an extended dialogue which rises questions and no objective answers, for it seems to be further than science. According to the reading Feinberg said the way to approach the brain is to question, “what the brain does not what the brain is

The way I think about it is, of course there is certain explanatory characteristics in the individuals that can be describe through science, such as the DNA, our physical qualities, etc. Yet is through our experiences as well that we arrive to individual thinking. The body is the constant, the mind is the change. We are 50% genes 50% environment. It is not so much in the dualism of the body and the mind, because I believe that certainly is in dialogue, but rather on how mind functions, (what the brain does). As William James conclude “much of what goes on in the nervous system is unconscious and that our conscious experiences depend upon unconscious processing” .

Another interesting point in the reading that wasn’t  only mentioned but not discussed that I would have not taken for granted was the idea of Intentionality and the meaning of this word. I recently read an article by Susan Sontag titled “Against interpretation” that talked about audiences wanting to interpret all artists intentions, yet this rises different discourse especially for me as an artist. What is our need to interpret? Why do we assume there is always an intention?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Emoticon Exercise

Identify for sale

Araucaria seeds
This seeds are from an Araucaria tree. I collected them in a trip I made to Misiones, the jungle in the north of Argentina. This tree is endanger, it represents a lot for the people of Misiones and its vital for the animals in the region.

Pink hand knitted waistcoat
This item was hand knitted by my great-grandmother. My grandmother and mother used it when they were my age.

Painted portrait with photograph and poem
My brother painted this portrait. He gave it to me as a present after I left home to live in Hong Kong. In it my sister my brother and I are represented when we were young. The picture shows us three at he time he gave it to me, the picture inside the painting has at the same time a picture of the painting showing a never ending cylce. Behind the portrait there is a hand written poem that my brother wrote that talks about life and waves, contemplation and happiness.

Response to Survey ‘can you read faces?’

I felt strange doing this, though it was easy for me to recognize the difference between the faces, I realized that I liked more the faces with more opened eyes and head up rather than with a low tension. The result was that while looking for a partner I will probably prefer a more extroverted person who engages in conversations more easily and is outgoing. I did know this, but it is funny to think that a computer just by giving you the chance to choose between two same faces but with different accommodations of the expression would figure this out as well when it has take me a while to explore what I want. I wouldn’t follow the comments this test has on my personal perception just because there is other things that influence this, and I wouldn’t pay attention to what a computer thinks I am more fond with.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Response to Einstein's Dreams (19 April and 24 April 1905)

 The reading once again sunk me into a feeling of nostalgia. Thinking about time and its possibilities makes me feel ephemeral, nonsensical. The first chapter talks the dimensions of time. People, ‘narratives’ follow the same laws of physics, they exist not in a single reality, stories move around, they are not linear. The reading also let me to think about decisions, something I don’t like thinking o much about because I get tangled with the future. “So an object may participate in three perpendicular futures” says the reading, but yet a story may to, even without provocation.

The second reading also touches on decision, we may live in whichever time world or time dimension we please. Or maybe our bodies intrinsically lean in a specific direction. I constantly question this, for I’m always late, and never understood the importance of being early or even the numerical meaning of ‘in time’. For when I am not in time, time offers something more yet I know some people is directly affected by me not been in time, so I question how do both words exist for they are not in the same time? Shall we all become mechanical to be able to be ‘social’?

Response to DJ Spooky's Mixing, Mashup, Remix Culture video

 The video from Dj Spooky explains the context of how different music styles came to be. Aware of showing the whole scene he talk not only about musicians but artist, the local people, urban landscapes, subway systems emphasizing on how private expression is constantly challenging pubic spaces with things such as graffitists. I fond particularly interesting the way he linked that ‘Style wars’ of young artists trying to get through the system by figuring the best place on the subway to place their tags so that it could be seen by more and more people, creating networks of visual messages and how this strategy was used by advertisement, were now in subways we have messages from companies. That is actually rather tricky and upsetting. It makes me realize that the ‘private expression’ of the messages that are getting through specially in urban landscapes are those of private companies, that may contract artists, but actually the artists voice is not getting though, either the voice of the people, rather that message of buying and engaging people with companies.

I would like to see further through the talk, the video was just like the introduction for him to start speaking about what he specifically does I think and now I am interested. I read a little about his project in Antarctica about global warming, sound and hypsographic architecture that’s were the reading led me and I am curious to read further.