Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Reading response to Article Photos of the World’s Oldest Living Things

The photographer Rachel Sussman decided to start a project taking pictures of the oldest organisms alive in the world. She then traveled around the globe capturing the magnificence of our struggling and vulnerable yet alive and resistant environment, which we affect more and more.
This article is highly visual, for the environmental pictures together with the explanation are what captivates your thoughts, but if the reader is interested and read further about those organisms we can easily discover how amazing they are. Breathing and reproducing slowly after thousands and thousands of years. Ancient  beings steadily observing, giving and taking to our environment.

For me learning about the past and present and being sentient of the things alive and our environment gives me more reasons to celebrate and take care of the place I live. The more I learn, see and feel all this beings sharing the world with me, and what happened through time so that we can be here right now all part of diversity makes me conscious and aware of who am I.